This Man Does Not Make Poppers
For decades, poppers have been the go-to sex drug for gay men. But where do they come from?
For decades, poppers have been the go-to sex drug for gay men. But where do they come from?
David Mack Buzzfeed Jul 2021 20min Permalink
Brian Kelly, The Points Guy, has created an empire dedicated to maximizing credit-card rewards and airline miles. What are they worth in a global pandemic — and why are they worth anything at all?
Jamie Lauren Keiles New York Times Magazine Jan 2021 35min Permalink
Customer feedback on the New York City coke dealing industry.
Elizabeth Spiers Gawker Jan 2003 10min Permalink
A mid-boom critique of New York City’s high-priced, mostly glass condo buildings.
A. A. Gill Vanity Fair Oct 2006 10min Permalink
Lessons from the death of a venture-backed, Facebook-dependent, millennial-focused news site.
Maxwell Strachan Huffington Post Jul 2019 30min Permalink
How pop-up tax preparers make billions off the poor.
Gary Rivlin Mother Jones Mar 2011 15min Permalink
A few Silicon Valley executives are experimenting with mortality. “I don’t want death to be such a downer,” says one.
Jon Mooallem California Sunday Mar 2015 25min Permalink
Best Article Arts Business Media
A review of several books on Rupert Murdoch first criticizes the authors for not grasping the many sides of their subject, then offers a thesis of its own. He’s “not so much a man, or a cultural force, as a portrait of the modern world.”
John Lanchester London Review of Books Feb 2004 25min Permalink
On a company that provides fake paparazzi, pretend campaign supporters, and counterfeit protesters on demand.
Davy Rothbart California Sunday Mar 2016 20min Permalink
Collections Business Sex Travel
Paris Hilton, Princeton phonies, and the prince who blew through billions—a collection of articles on young money.
“They cruise the city in chauffeured cars, blasting rap, selling pot to classmates. How some of New York’s richest kids joined forces with some of its poorest.”
Nancy Jo Sales New York Dec 1996 20min
Georgia and Patterson Inman, 15-year-old twins, are the only living heirs to the $1 billion Duke tobacco fortune. They are also emotional wrecks who have barely survived a hellacious childhood.
Sabrina Rubin Erdely Rolling Stone Aug 2013 40min
On the brother of the Sultan of Brunei, Prince Jefri Bolkiah, who has “probably gone through more cash than any other human being on earth.”
Mark Seal Vanity Fair Jul 2011 45min
An overachiever on what he did and didn’t learn at Princeton.
Walter Kim The Atlantic Jan 2005 35min
A profile of Paris Hilton at the height of her fame.
Vanessa Grigoriadis Rolling Stone Nov 2003 10min
An invite-only social network for Georgetown assholes.
Angela Valdez Washington City Paper Jul 2007 30min
How two sisters, heirs to the Bronfman fortune, may have blown $100 million supporting the cult-like group NXIVM.
Maureen Tkacik The New York Observer Aug 2010
A profile of Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, the Malibu-dwelling, “fantastically corrupt” dictator-in-waiting of Equatorial Guinea. Teodorin, as his friends call him, is considered by U.S. intelligence to be “an unstable, reckless idiot.”
Ken Silverstein Foreign Policy Mar 2011 20min
Dec 1996 – Aug 2013 Permalink
Inside Steve Madden’s shoe empire.
Doree Shafrir Buzzfeed Feb 2016 15min Permalink
Two men try to disrupt the gray market of Chinese death services.
Jonathan Kaiman The Guardian Sep 2015 25min Permalink
Relations between two ice cream vendors in Oregon turn nasty.
David Wolman, Julian Smith Epic Magazine Sep 2015 Permalink
“Deep down, he wants to be Madonna.”
Mark Singer New Yorker May 1997 45min Permalink
The former Van Halen front man has actually made more money from booze and food than from music.
Rebecca Flint Marx San Francisco Magazine Jul 2015 15min Permalink
An immigrant from Lebanon, a hair-cutting fortune, and the dream of building a castle on an island in British Columbia.
Omar Mouallem Eighteen Bridges Nov 2013 30min Permalink
The rewards and pitfalls of selling haunted objects.
Rick Paulas The Awl Jun 2015 15min Permalink
When Elon Musk went to Russia to buy some rockets.
Ashlee Vance Businessweek May 2015 35min Permalink
Utah has become the capital of the modern snake oil industry, with dozens of get-rich-quick schemes – also known as “multi-level marketing” – filling its office parks.
Alice Hines Talking Points Memo Jun 2015 15min Permalink
The travails of mattress salesmen on one of the busiest weekends of the year.
Monica Hesse Washington Post May 2015 10min Permalink
Worried about being kidnapped while on a business trip? A man in Florida teaches courses on how to avoid it.
Mitch Moxley Roads & Kingdoms May 2015 Permalink
The grim, racist methods of a New York City landlord.
D.W. Gibson New York May 2015 10min Permalink
Inside the mind of Marc Andreessen.
Tad Friend New Yorker May 2015 55min Permalink
On keeping the place where ethically raised animals are killed open.
Heather Smith Grist Apr 2015 15min Permalink
How nail salon owners exploit their employees.
The medical risks of working all day among the chemicals of a nail salon.
Sarah Maslin Nir New York Times May 2015 15min Permalink