Outside the Manson Pinkberry
On Manson bloggers, murder fandom and being a sad, dark teen.
On Manson bloggers, murder fandom and being a sad, dark teen.
Rachel Monroe The Believer Nov 2017 Permalink
An essay on audiobooks.
Maggie Gram n+1 Feb 2012 10min Permalink
American history begs the question: Can immigrants possibly inherit the mythology of the U.S.?
Kirtan Nautiyal Guernica Oct 2021 20min Permalink
The constant discomfort of a genital injury creates a covenant of pain. It is impossible to think about anything else.
Gary Shteyngart New Yorker Oct 2021 30min Permalink
We don’t often talk about how a paper’s collapse makes people feel: less connected, more alone.
Elaine Godfrey The Atlantic Oct 2021 15min Permalink
Notes on humiliation.
Vivian Gornick Harper's Oct 2021 15min Permalink
On the veracity of documentary filmmaking.
Blair McClendon The Drift Sep 2021 20min Permalink
Fighting the romanticism of owning a home in one of the nation’s most competitive housing markets.
Lydia Kiesling The Millions Jan 2016 10min Permalink
During the brief moment when the pandemic was receding and we could be together again, all we wanted to do was move our bodies.
Carina del Valle Schorske New York Times Magazine Sep 2021 30min Permalink
But the more that I tried to remind myself of the various ways in which I did, in fact, seem to have a body that was moving, with a heart that pumped blood, the more agitated I became. Being dead butted up against the so-called evidence of being alive, and so I grew to avoid that evidence because proof was not a comfort; instead, it pointed to my insanity.
Esmé Weijun Wang The Toast Jun 2014 25min Permalink
An essay on understanding our character, worth, and limits.
Joan Didion Vogue Jun 1961 Permalink
“A quarantine facial-hair experiment led me to a deep consideration of my Blackness.”
Wesley Morris New York Times Magazine Oct 2020 20min Permalink
On the Camino de Santiago, a female pilgrim walks in solitude—utterly vulnerable, utterly free.
Aube Rey Lescure Guernica Jul 2021 20min Permalink
He helped build Jewish American support for Israel. What’s his legacy now?
Abraham Riesman New York Jun 2021 30min Permalink
My dad was a riddle to me, even more so after he disappeared. For a long time, who he was—and by extension who I was—seemed to be a puzzle I would never solve.
Nicholas Casey New York Times Magazine Jun 2021 35min Permalink
In 1970 South Central, pigeon fancying was serious business. But there’s a deeper story behind why these Black Angelenos are entering their fifth and sixth decade raising Birmingham Roller pigeons.
Shanna B. Tiayon Pipe Wrench Jun 2021 30min Permalink
Searching for home at a cowboy poetry convention in Elko, Nevada.
Carvell Wallace MTV News Mar 2017 25min Permalink
The clock is a useful social tool, but it is also deeply political: It benefits some, marginalizes others and blinds us from a true understanding of our own bodies and the world around us.
Joe Zadeh Noema Magazine Jun 2021 20min Permalink
Finding meaning in the climate fight.
Greg Jackson Harper's May 2021 20min Permalink
“I know I learned to use my intelligence as a weapon to keep myself safe from racists, starting as a child, and suddenly it doesn’t feel like enough. The violence is like a puzzle with many moving parts, but the stakes are life and death.”
Alexander Chee GQ May 2021 20min Permalink
On the tragic flood of elder death in the wake of COVID-19.
And as time arcs and stops and speeds and slows now, I watch myself ride the agony of the death. It’s not out of resistance, exactly, but a need to inquire into both time’s speed and the callous logic, basically eugenicist, that on bad days, the rest of the world seems to hold: that she was old enough to die this way.
Lucy Schiller Welcome To Hell World May 2021 10min Permalink
Blake Bailey was my favorite teacher. Years later, he forced himself on me. Why did I seek his approval for so long?
Eve Crawford Peyton Slate Apr 2021 15min Permalink
On vandwelling in the wake of the Great Recession.
Mitchell Johnson The Drift Apr 2021 20min Permalink
In 2019, I made a painful decision. But to the algorithms that drive Facebook, Pinterest, and a million other apps, I’m forever getting married.
Lauren Goode Wired Apr 2021 25min Permalink
A year of isolation made me consider all the casual, unwanted touch women endure — and why it’s so hard to refuse it.
Melissa Febos New York Times Magazine Apr 2021 20min Permalink