American Grotesque
Insane birthers and Glenn Beck-worshipping tea-partiers, proud racists and gun-toting antigovernment loons—they’re all here, and they’re all angry about something.
Insane birthers and Glenn Beck-worshipping tea-partiers, proud racists and gun-toting antigovernment loons—they’re all here, and they’re all angry about something.
John Jeremiah Sullivan GQ Jan 2010 Permalink
You’ve never heard of her, but somewhere in America, a top-secret investigator known as the Savant is infiltrating online hate groups to take down the most violent men in the country.
Andrea Stanley Cosmopolitan Aug 2019 15min Permalink
Inside New York City’s task force on bias.
Kathy Dobie Harper's Dec 2018 30min Permalink
Minara Akhter came to America with uncertainty and hope. Then her husband, a Muslim religious leader, was murdered in a suspected hate crime.
Rahima Nasa ProPublica Sep 2018 15min Permalink
In short order, eight gay men in Texas were murdered by teenage boys.
Buzz Bissinger Vanity Fair Jan 1995 35min Permalink
Abraham never fit in. Hisham finally felt at home. Then their worlds collided in western Arkansas.
Sabrina Tavernise New York Times Aug 2017 35min Permalink
A black 16-year-old lights a white, agender 18-year-old’s skirt on fire while riding the bus. Is it a hate crime? And what’s the appropriate punishment?
Dashka Slater New York Times Magazine Jan 2015 25min Permalink
CeCe McDonald, a homeless trans teen in Minneapolis, was charged with murder for defending herself. Then she became a folk hero.
Sabrina Rubin Erdely Rolling Stone Jul 2014 25min Permalink
Revisiting a high school hoax.
Sandy Allen Buzzfeed May 2014 25min Permalink
A Ugandan bill that would threaten homosexuals with imprisonment, or in some cases death, has its roots in the shadowy American evangelical group known as The Family.
Jeff Sharlet Harper's Aug 2010 40min Permalink
In Michele Bachmann’s home district evangelicals have pushed anti-gay policies to the school board. After a rash of suicides, teens are fighting back.
Sabrina Rubin Erdely Rolling Stone Feb 2012 30min Permalink