Improbable Cause
One mysterious death, then another, and another — all in the same house. The first two written off as a tragic coincidence, until the third shattered doubts.
One mysterious death, then another, and another — all in the same house. The first two written off as a tragic coincidence, until the third shattered doubts.
Amy Dempsey The Toronto Star Apr 2018 35min Permalink
After a cop walks into his station and confesses to murder, an investigation reveals the toll of lethal force on both sides of the gun.
Wendy Gillis The Toronto Star Dec 2017 35min Permalink
Unraveling the case of a Canadian man suffering from schizophrenia, put on trial for murder in New York, but found not criminally responsible in Nova Scotia.
Amy Dempsey The Toronto Star Aug 2016 35min Permalink
Beatrice White, the Toronto girl who won the city’s turn-of-the-century fly-swatting contest.
Katie Daubs The Toronto Star Aug 2015 10min Permalink
Omar Khadr was 15 when he was captured in Afghanistan in 2002. He was held in Guantanamo for years without charges. He was tortured. And earlier this month, after nearly 13 years behind bars, he was released on bail.
Michelle Shephard The Toronto Star May 2015 15min Permalink
Why do people with dementia become lost?
Amy Dempsey The Toronto Star Nov 2014 Permalink
The lives of the Indians who were swallowed in the Bhopal gas cloud, thirty years later.
Jennifer Wells The Toronto Star Nov 2014 50min Permalink
Jeff Walton is a 69-year-old plumber with a wife and 35-year-old son. It turns out he’s also Ronald Stan, a Canadian man who faked his own death in 1977.
Tim Alamenciak The Toronto Star Sep 2014 15min Permalink
Twelve years ago, Michael Stewart killed his mother during a psychotic episode. How he and his family are coping today.
Amy Dempsey The Toronto Star Apr 2014 Permalink
A report from ringside in Spain.
Ernest Hemingway The Toronto Star Oct 1923 15min Permalink
“She taught me the tricks of trimming. She taught me to smile when my back ached. She taught me some Bengali words. Sab bhalo. It is all okay.”
Raveena Aulakh The Toronto Star Oct 2013 Permalink
A profile of Chencho Dorji, Bhutan’s first psychiatrist, who has treated “more than 5,300 depressed, anxious, psychotic and drug-addled” people since 1999.
Jennifer Yang The Toronto Star Sep 2013 15min Permalink
Almost five years ago, the author’s 13-year-old niece was murdered in her bedroom in suburban New Delhi. Since then, both of her parents have spent time in jail. Evidence, bungled by police, points to another possible killer. The trial has not yet begun.
Shree Paradkar The Toronto Star Jan 2013 25min Permalink