Best Article Politics Science Religion
Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Wives
Inside the political battle over reproductive rights in Texas a decade ago.
Best Article Politics Science Religion
Inside the political battle over reproductive rights in Texas a decade ago.
Mimi Swartz Texas Monthly Aug 2012 35min Permalink
The immersive mise en scène of a 2010 Hollister flagship store, redolent of California beach towns that don’t exist, “lazy, hygienic sexuality,” and weed.
Molly Young The Believer Sep 2010 10min Permalink
Strangers want their past relationships witnessed, and other strangers come to Zagreb to witness them.
Leslie Jamison Virginia Quarterly Review Feb 2018 25min Permalink
Two strangers travel toward various destinations.
Madeline Stevens Monkeybicycle Aug 2019 Permalink
Men have become increasingly infertile, so much so that within a generation they may lose the ability to reproduce entirely.
Daniel Noah Halpern GQ Sep 2018 15min Permalink
Family dynamics both real and imagined.
Leesa Cross-Smith Lit Hub Mar 2018 10min Permalink
Gang-bang buffet tables, deeply earnest 'Letters to the Editor,' ghost-writing Kierkegaard references into model bios in Barely Legal, and how a half-decade of reviewing porn eroded the thin line between the author's alter egos and self.
Evan Wright LA Weekly Apr 2000 40min Permalink
A profile of Candy Barr—porn star pioneer, burlesque legend, Texas folk hero.
Gary Cartwright Texas Monthly Dec 1976 40min Permalink
A search for meaning through academics, cultural studies, and terrorism.
Camille Bordas The New Yorker Dec 2016 30min Permalink
Inside the thriving subculture of Japanese men who eschew sex and romance with real live people in favor of real relationships with 2-D characters printed on body pillows.
Lisa Katayama New York Times Magazine Jul 2009 15min Permalink
Lessons for dating and dying.
Emily Lackey Hobart Jun 2016 Permalink
The rise of the king of American swingers.
Michael Damiano Boston Magazine Jan 2016 20min Permalink
A band's tour problems range from bedbugs to internal strife.
Leah Christianson Sundog Lit Sep 2015 20min Permalink
On the adultery website AshleyMadison.com.
Sheelah Kolhatkar Businessweek Feb 2011 20min Permalink
A convergence of sex, fears, and family drama.
"Beside the bed the baby monitor flashed, as it had been doing all night, a blue light racing up and down to accompany the sounds: breathing, snoring, faint clicking, the mewl of one or another of the cats. If Angela held it to her ear she would also hear the ticking of the mantel clock. These new monitors! So much more sophisticated than those of yore. Nineteen years ago, when last she’d tuned into one, the monitor would occasionally pick up the cell phone call of some stranger in a passing car, some weird adult voice suddenly blaring from the baby’s room."
Antonya Nelson Oxford American Jun 2015 20min Permalink
The pecking order of All-Star Weekend sex-with-basketball-player-or-rapper hopefuls.
Kyla Jones, Lisa DePaulo GQ Jul 2006 20min Permalink
Sex, potential violence, and human awkardness convene on an isolated shore.
"A slight breeze brings slight relief from the heat and a taste of the saltwater lapping against the hard sand. He’s been here many times. Though he has no desire to kill a bird, he loves this place, this lonely beach at the edge of this lonely lake too shallow for boats and too lifeless to attract fishermen. He loves the sand bugs and the sharp edges of the sand grass. Especially he loves the deep shade beneath the willow trees, and the sound of the cicadas’ music in the sun."
Nathan Knapp Specter Magazine Jul 2014 Permalink
Sex and communication in experimental fragments.
"We are in your white bed full of light drinking white wine and it is dark. I balance the base of the glass on the side of my naked hip and look at the marble spa tub in the bathroom. There is a flushed gleam bouncing off the mirror, fainting exhaling ebbing back into the room and I ghost the smoke a reprise a remorse of sighing and feeling nothing but beam."
Cassandra Troyan The Fanzine Feb 2014 Permalink
An adventure on the Beringia, a dog sled race stretching 685 miles over Russia’s frozen tundra.
Julia Phillips The Morning News Nov 2012 25min Permalink
On Silvio Berlusconi’s hedonism.
Berlusconi is Italy’s waning Hugh Hefner, alternately reviled and admired for his loyalty to his own appetites—except that he’s supposed to be running the country.
Ariel Levy New Yorker May 2011 40min Permalink
The pharmaceutical quest to give women a better sex life.
Daniel Bergner New York Times Magazine May 2013 20min Permalink
Gretchen Molannen was perpetually aroused. She couldn’t work or sleep.
On December 1, the day after this story was published, she killed herself.
Leonora LaPeter Anton The Tampa Bay Times Nov 2012 10min Permalink
A community says its children are being targeted by a group of pedophiles. But did widespread sexual abuse actually take place?
Menachem Kaiser Tablet Nov 2012 20min Permalink
The rise of One Direction fanfiction that imagines the band members in relationships – with each other.
Amanda Hess Tomorrow Nov 2012 10min Permalink
An essay on Jimmy Savile, British television and child sexual abuse.
Andrew O'Hagan London Review of Books Nov 2012 30min Permalink