Why Do We Have Blood Types?
More than 100 years after they were discovered, we’re still looking for an answer as to why blood types exist.
More than 100 years after they were discovered, we’re still looking for an answer as to why blood types exist.
Carl Zimmer Mosaic Jul 2014 15min Permalink
“Jeannie Peeper’s diagnosis meant that, over her lifetime, she would essentially develop a second skeleton. Within a few years, she would begin to grow new bones that would stretch across her body, some fusing to her original skeleton. Bone by bone, the disease would lock her into stillness. The Mayo doctors didn’t tell Peeper’s parents that. All they did say was that Peeper would not live long.”
Carl Zimmer The Atlantic May 2013 25min Permalink
A profile of celebrity astrophysicist Neil Tyson.
Carl Zimmer Playboy Jan 2012 Permalink