Fiction Pick of the Week: "Seeds"
The sprouting of seeds and an uncle's connection to his niece.
The sprouting of seeds and an uncle's connection to his niece.
Robyn Ryle Split Lip Magazine Oct 2016 Permalink
A story of bird and human patterns.
For a daily short story recommendation from our editors, try Longform Fiction or follow @longformfiction on Twitter.
Robyn Ryle Luna Luna Oct 2014 10min Permalink
A story of bird and human patterns.
"Rose is nothing without him because difference defines everything. The eyes of the Cooper’s hawk are closer to the front of the head than the sharp-shinned hawk. The downy woodpecker’s bill is small relative to its head while the hairy woodpecker’s bill is long and thick. House finches are more slender than purple finches. When she finds his hairs scattered on the pillow, they are straight, black pins while hers are bright, red commas."
Robyn Ryle Luna Luna Oct 2014 10min Permalink
A story of assessments as the end of the world nears.
"I'm afraid to look at first, but then I get my bearings and turn in the direction where the river should be. On the other side is home and if I'm right, the towers. There's no bright, white plume of smoke on the horizon to help me, now. The towers will be quiet. Shut down and dead."
Robyn Ryle Bartleby Snopes Aug 2014 Permalink