The Longform Guide to Animal Attacks
From grizzlies in Alaska to whales at SeaWorld, a collection stories of animals turning on humans.
The Man Who Loved Grizzlies
On Timothy Treadwell, later immortalized in Grizzly Man, who lived and died by the bears of Alaska.
Ned Zeman Vanity Fair May 2004 40min
Travis the Menace
The life story of Travis the chimp and the family of tow truck operators who raised him like a human child before it all ended in tragedy.
Dan P. Lee New York Jan 2011 25min
The Killer in the Pool
The life story of Tilikum, a killer whale who dragged his SeaWorld trainer into the pool and drowned her in 2010. It was the third time the orca had been involved in a death during his 27 years in captivity.
Tim Zimmerman Outside Jul 2010 35min
When Pets Attack
Encountering a pack of wild dogs in Manhattan.
Rebecca Skloot New York May 2005 10min
“Joe’s hand began to tingle, and he called the group together. The toxins would leave his system in 48 hours, he said. He’d be conscious the whole time.”
Mark W. Moffett Outside Apr 2002 10min
A Death in Yellowstone
After two people are found dead in Yellowstone National Park, a team of investigators tracks down the unlikely culprit: a grizzly bear.
Jessica Grose Slate Apr 2012 40min
Apr 2002 – Apr 2012 Permalink