The Longform Guide to Space
A celebrity astrophysicist, the Columbia disaster, and sex in space—a collection of our favorite articles about the cosmos.
Beam Me Out of This Death Trap, Scotty
The Columbia shuttle was to be a revolution for NASA. But a year before its first launch, the shuttle was several years behind schedule, had cost $1 billion, and wasn’t guaranteed to ever get off the ground.
Gregg Easterbrook Washington Monthly Apr 1980 35min
The Zero-G Spot
Sex in space.
Michael Behar Outside Dec 2006 15min
King of the Cosmos
A profile of celebrity astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Carl Zimmer Playboy Jan 2012
Columbia's Last Flight
The inside story of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster and subsequent investigation.
William Langewiesche Atlantic Nov 2003 10min
The Coming Trip Around the Moon
An interview with Ralph Lapp, a member of the Apollo Project.
The Editors New Republic Dec 1968 10min
Elon Musk's dreams of colonizing Mars.
Ross Andersen Aeon Oct 2014 30min
Dec 1968 – Oct 2014 Permalink